Monday, November 08, 2010

icky politics

I had heard of the Rally to Restore Sanity, but because it was somewhat 'political' in nature, I didn't spend any time getting to know what it was all about.  I just may have to now.

Rachel Held Evans wrote this post last week.  love it!  I have a hard time understanding politics, and what I do understand, I don't like.  I especially don't understand people who are really passionate (vocal) about politics.  A lot of them are pretty insensitive, and I'm really sensitive, so it rubs me the wrong way. 

I find it nearly impossible to choose one candidate over another because no matter who I choose, I'm choosing to screw someone.  Yes, I know that I'm also choosing to 'help' someone, but I just can't get passed the screwing someone part.  I imagine that I can help the hurting in a more tangible way than to elect some guy who ends up breaking his promises once he gets to office anyway.

Plus, I don't see how my vote could make a difference.  (And I'm not taking three small kids with me to stand in line for hours (or even mailing in my ballot) unless I'm gonna have at least a chance of making a bleeping difference!)  I'm not likely to ever vote for either of the only two people who will get the time of day in the elections because they will probably be either very conservative or very liberal, and I don't like either one of those.  Yes, I understand that my freedom to vote should not be taken for granted.  I also have the freedom to drink myself into a coma, but I'm probably not going to be taking advantage of that anytime soon either.

So I think I'm moderate.  Not passionately moderate.  Just moderate.  But moderate enough that even the name of the Rally gets under my skin because it's suggesting that those who didn't attend weren't sane. 

But, I'm open to changes in my opinions.  So none of this is set in stone for me.  It's just where I'm at right now.


Brianna Heldt said...

Lisa I so enjoyed reading this.

I used to work for a California legislator, and I loved the job, although I feel kind of jaded about politics ever since. I DO vote, because there are a couple of issues that I feel very strongly about. But overall I think a lot of Americans feel let down by politics in general. I know I do. Too much greed, and rhetoric, and not enough actually getting done. Sigh. So yucky!

lisa said...

Hi Brianna! I think one of the things that most gets under my skin about politics is people's pre-determined views. They will vow to vote for someone without reading much about their particular policies because their party largely defines what they stand for. I don't like that. I wonder whether they spend time getting to know any background on the candidates' character, and that, to me, can sometimes make the difference in who I would vote for (if I voted).

I also didn't really like the attitudes of a lot of the people who attended the Rally to Restore Sanity. I looked into it and saw a bunch of people being snarky. They weren't taking it seriously. If I voted, I would want to take it seriously. I would want to take the time to get to know the issues and the promises and the candidates, and then make a decision. I'm not too certain that enough people do that.

I have particular issues that I feel strongly about, and when I hear that they are being voted on or whatever, I absolutely do call my representatives and ask them to vote the way I think is important. So I'm not completely voiceless or apathetic. :)