Tuesday, April 13, 2010


We had a playdate last week that the boys and I went to. So fun, and I got some cute images.

We had the playdate at the home of some of our friends. If you know me, you know I love cherry blossoms. Or apple blossoms, plum blossoms...anything like that. I saw these here blossoms on a bush and just had to grab some shots. Gorgeous!!!

Ah, spring. Am I the only one truly giddy about having survived another winter to see this dawn of the year? I see the seasons like I see the days. Dawn - Spring. Midday - Summer. Dusk - Fall. Midnight - Winter. They line up in my head like that. Images like these below almost make winter worth it. The sweet ain't as sweet without a little bitter...

I took these at the Hudson Gardens. Not a lot was blooming yet, but I still found some bright, vibrant, saturated color among the dried out, thirsty bushes.

Wanna know the other thing I equate with spring? Young love. I am by no means a wedding photographer. The very thought makes me break out in a smelly sweat. I can take senior portraits, nature shots, even engagement pics, and if I royally screw up - it's no giant loss. They just just hire someone else. But with weddings, you've got one shot to get it right. There's no getting all dolled up and renting the chapel again just to get some more photographs. Nope. It's now or never. So I get very nervous and have turned down shooting weddings before because of it. But I have two weddings that I'm shooting this summer. (breathe. breathe. breathe.) and I'm nervous, but I'm so excited! The first is for my husband's cousin and her soon-to-be hubby. I took their engagement photos. You can see them here. The second wedding is of my baby brother. My family ADORES his fiancee, and we couldn't be happier that they have made it official. She called me while we were at the Hudson Gardens and asked me if I'd be their photographer. I sure hope I can do their relationship justice. They are both so solid and faithful and loving. I am honored that they thought of me to do their pictures. I will be reading up a LOT in the next few months to prepare so that I can feel more confident. I look forward to posting their special days so we can all celebrate with them. I still vividly remember my brother curling up in my lap, holding his Snoopy doll and his blankey in order to relax at night. I can hardly believe he's going to be a husband. So so so so happy for him.

Enjoy spring! (or at least give Zyrtec a try, and THEN enjoy spring.)

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