Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Young Love

I was asked by my husband's cousin Kim and her fiance Andrew to take some engagement photos for them. We had such a fun time, and I love the way these turned out. It had snowed all day the day before, so we were watching the weather up until the very last minute, but we decided that although it was cold, it would still be a good day for photos. They drove me all over downtown Denver, and I loved the places they had picked out. I'm still new to the area and didn't know about all of these treasures. I think the high turned out to be 35 degrees that day. Isn't that nuts?! And you'd never know it from how comfortable these two looked! They are awesome!

I took the walking together shot idea from this shot that I found while googling ideas for positions to suggest. Isn't it cool?!

Enjoy young love.


Chris Freeland said...

Wow, Lisa. Those are incredible. We paid several hundred bucks for our engagement pictures and didn't get any pictures as good as the worst one of those.

When you're back in DFW, make sure to bring your camera. We want an engagement picture do over.

lisa said...

thanks, chris! i'd love to snap your family! Hope you and yours are well.