Saturday, October 17, 2009


We've had lots of fun around here recently. Here are some of my favorites.

Josh got a little cut on his finger and brought me a bandaid. He then said "Mom, I have a bandaid. Now I just need some cement." I asked "Do you mean ointment?"

"Oops. Oh right."

On Wednesday, we celebrated Jack's first birthday!! We didn't do much that day. We mostly just hung out at home and let him play with the toys that Ben and I had gotten for him. and he started drinking good ol' milk. We did got outside for a little bit and let him crawl around in the grass - one of his favorite things to do. He loves any open space that he can move his body in. This boy loves to move. He does not like to sit in his exersauser or car seat. He wants to climb and climb. Ben bought a gate for the downstairs because Jack was pulling down the stacked boxes we had placed in front of our stairs. Oy vey! I tried to teach him to come down backwards the other day for those times when I'm occupied, and he finds his way up the stairs despite our best efforts to keep him away. But he only wants to go headfirst.

That's right. I live in a state on constant fear.

This picture proves my point. He is all smiles when I let him run free. But as soon as I ask Josh to hold him in his lap for a quick, cute, brotherly moment picture, he gets upset.

The birthday package from my mom came yesterday, and Jack had all kinds of fun playing in the box that it came in.

He's so fun! He keeps me on my toes all day every day, but he's my sweet, funny little guy. Both of my boys love to make me laugh and love it when I'm being silly. I know how to make them laugh at any time (unless Jack is being restrained). It's so nice to have such happy boys!

Gillian came home early from school yesterday. She threw up in art class. By the time I got up to the nurse's office to pick her up, she was a scary shade of grey. She really did not feel well. So we came home, and she promptly went to bed. After about an hour, I asked her if she wanted some water. After she kept that down for a half hour, I gave her some nilla wafers. After another half hour, the wafers were all over the toilet seat. She didn't make it in time, poor thing. She threw up four more times last night. When Ben got home, he got her some Saltines and Sprite from the store to help settle her stomach. She kept them down and went to sleep. I was expecting to hear from her in the middle of the night, but she slept all night. And this morning, she looks good as new. She seems a little hestitant (could you blame her?!), but she's regaining confidence that the worst may be over. Sounds like it may have been a little 24 stomach bug. I'm praying that it is over and that the rest of our house won't get it. I get nauseous just thinking that we might all get sick. ewwww!!!

This morning she asked me to make her some little sewing cards. I just take some cardstock, draw a picture on it, color it, and cut it out. Then I use a little hole punch to pop out some small circles for her to thread some embroidery floss through. She and Josh love doing it. I need to invest in some little kid, plastic needles though. Our sewing cards are all smudged with little bits of blood!

I've been super crafty recently. I made some garland of differing sizes of red, green and ivory pom poms. It turned out super cute, and I can't wait to see it displayed on my mantel during the Christmas season. I've also decided to copy a magazine cover from Martha Stewart Living. Aren't these goards the best? I'll take photos of my finished project soon and post them. They are proving harder to cut than I'd originally thought, but it's still super fun.
I've also been working on a cute project using cheapo felt and embroidery floss and fabric pom poms. I ordered some little poms from etsy recently, hoping to use them as little blossoms on 'something'. Then I saw some little felt owls and knew what I had to do. I'll be framing a set of three of these and using them as Christmas gifts this year. I'm loving the way they are turning out.

Now go out there and have your own fun and tell me about it!

1 comment:

this is us said...

those little owls are so, so, so cute!